Here are some pages of my eary pencil and ink samples.
Page 1: A inking sample page I did when Top Cow came over to the UK to the Bristol Con, this page helped me get my first and only inking job with Top Cow which was on a title called KIN inking the very talented Gary Frank.
Page 2: Very early inking sample page which I only found a couple of months ago! around this time I was trying to get work with Marvel UK pencilling or inking, this must of helped as I did later get to do some assstant inking work on some of the Deaths Head spin off titles they were producing at the time, this sample pencil page was from a title called ''Knights of Pendragon'' and was drawn by John Royle who I have worked with on many occasions since then on Spider-Man and more recently on G.I.JOE for Panini(Marvel UK).
Page 3: One of my early sample pencil pages, which I sent onto Marvel USA, I think I remember I got a positive response from this, unfornately it did not lead on to any work, but when I think about how long ago I did this, it is not a bad page really, I should try to put some time aside and do some more.
Page 4: This was one of my favorite inking sample pages I did, not only was it my favorite character, that being Spider-Man, but it was drawn by friend of mine and amazing artist Dougie Braithwaite.